Thursday, September 25, 2014

If I could save thyme in a bottle..

No wait… That’s time in a bottle and thyme in a pot. Sorry, Bill. I always get those two mixed up. What I do have is thyme, and I want to take a few moments now to extol the virtues of thyme in a pot.
I love my herb garden. I suppose it isn’t actually a garden, but more of a collection. More on the rest of the herbs in the next blog entry. Suffice it to say that it really bring me joy. First, I think my pots really look great. The thyme in this concrete colored pot, growing up and out with its small leaves, gives a Mediterranean feel to the area. Thyme just looks good in a pot. I have some more in another pot, which is growing over the side and spilling down the side.

There are actually two plants in this pot out in the sun. A new plant bought from Home Depot, and also sprigs from my other pot which contains an older plant bought from the same place. The thyme in the sun has an almost blue colored leaf now, and grows more thickly. The one in the shade is light green and the leaves are spaced out more on the stem. Hmmm. I wonder if the flavors have become different?

The best part of thyme, other than the way it handled our extra cold winter in Thomason last year, and while in a pot, no less, is the wonderful way it adds to our cooking. I love coming outside with a pair of kitchen shears and snipping off a sprig to throw into a soup or a chicken dish. It adds such authenticity and flavor to a meal. I strip the leaves off the stem, give them a quick chop on a board, and “poof”! I am Julia Childs in the kitchen… except that I am still living… and of course a guy.

Happy growing,

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, Bob. I don't use thyme much in cooking, except coq au vin. That's a great dish. One of the reasons I probably don't use it is I don't have availability to it. I have a bit of dried thyme in the pantry, but nothing fresh. I do have fresh rosemary in a pot. There's an herb that looks good in a pot or the ground.
    I'm developing a mounded planting area out the back door that I intend to fill with perennials this fall. The local nursery puts theirs on sale in early November. I already have six or seven varieties in pots waiting to go in. I'll create a post about it soon. That perennial berm will also host herbs next spring. I'll put in the rosemary plant, which will likely survive. I have some Thai basil and also another packet of herb seeds. I can't remember which herb it is. Maybe it thyme!
